20 March 2009

Buck Wild, NJ/PA - Part 2

OK. I'll make this last part quick but I'll still let you know everything I want to.

After we headed out from Reading Terminal Market, we strolled through Chinatown. I saw a sign that said - "Best Peking Duck in Town," so I resolved to come back and try it. We headed down 9th Street through a seemingly non-existent Little Italy then down South Street, which is pretty lively even around lunchtime on a weekday. We stopped for a couple beers and a small snack before heading back to Wong Wong in Chinatown.

On our way back, we definitely had to get our time in with the Liberty Bell. It was alright. I mean, it's a big bell that has lots of symbolism. Nice work, and it's crack is kept from expanding by some internal support structure. Interesting, I guess.

So, Wong Wong Restaurant. I'm always skeptical of any place that says they have the best of anything. Well, I was right again. However, I should note that I am completely ruined for all time on trying Peking Duck anywhere. I had it in Beijing last May at a somewhat formal dinner, and it was excellent. Crispy duck skin, homemade pancakes, and well-cooked meat. I loved it. At Wong Wong, not so much. I should have known I would not have liked it as much when I saw the waitress put the duck in the microwave to heat it up, but I didn't have many other options by this time (read: exhausted 9 month old sitting next to me). It was decent, not too expensive, but not really worth my time. Oh well. Plus, the pancakes sucked and were more like thick dumpling dough that had been microwaved.

I've got one last thing: jughandles. An interesting type of intersection for roadways. Signs that say "All turns made from right lane" are definitely new to me. Regardless, after the first few, you get used to them. Kind of.

I liked Philly but should have learned more about where I wanted to go before heading out. I'll remember my laptop next time. But, if I had to choose where I would rather have been this past Wednesday, I really wish that we had been near NYC!

1 comment:

  1. You were in Philly and you didn't even take Gidgette to her first Aggie basketball game against the Mormons?
