26 February 2009

Skull 'n' Bones

OK, not really skull...maybe later? My two main stores, Giant and Magruder's, always seem to be out of some good bones. Any bones. I know I can use beef short ribs, some chops, or other small bit that has lots of bone. Cook it, pull off the meat, cook the bones. And I probably will do that today or tomorrow. I want to make a good, authentic brown stock to use for some upcoming dinners, maybe beef bourguignon this weekend.

But, dude, c'mon. Gimme some bones here. I ask meat cutters at both stores, "Hey, don't you just have some bones lying around back there you can cut up for me?" The reply, "Man, I'm sorry, but no" then, I remember, I'm not in a butcher shop, just the meat department at my local store.

Ah well. It's not like it's that hard to cook some short ribs, pull the meat off, then cook the bones. Plus, I get a little roasted meat snack while I'm cooking. But I just felt like skipping a step!

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