27 February 2009

Let my people go!

My friend, Carrie, sent this article to me because I am a dad. It is about how health- and health food-obsessed parents are helping cause eating disorders in their kids. I, in all my (non-)doctor-ly wisdom, agree. Food, for me, is something to be enjoyed very much, to be loved, to be appreciated. In moderation, at least most of the time. I love good food. I cannot say that enough.

There is a lady quoted in this article as saying (something like this), "Don't blame the parents for eating disorders. The kids are already screwed up." Well, that may be somewhat true, but she can sit and spin. I understand that there is a genetic component here, but let's think hypothetically for a second. A person has a genetic disposition to alcoholism. However, this person dies without being an alcoholic. How? Perhaps they never were around alcohol or never really had the opportunity to imbibe. I think, at least in part, this is the same with eating disorders. The genetic disposition may be there, but when the parents are there, I mean really there, and good friends, real, healthy eating and good exercise are also there - you know what? This kid is probably ok.

Anyway, here is the article. Read it, critique it, but share it regardless. I understand the dangers of pesticides, fat, sugar, and all their nasty friends. But, you know what? As long as you don't intake calories in such a high fashion over time (God, I feel like I am in calculus or physics), then you are all right.

Oh, while you're at it, go have a drink, too.

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